First came computers; they were followed quickly by the internet, and soon we found ourselves in an age of handheld devices, touch screens, and motion sensors. With all of this, it was only a natural development that another byproduct of modern technology would be increasingly automated homes. From always on voice-activated devices, to remote controlled appliances, lighting and temperature control, and home theaters (see Argenta) that are better than the real thing, home automation is certainly our future.

So how do you prepare for a world of home automation? How do you make sure that you are best placed to embrace the newest developments in home tech—most of which we don’t even know about yet? Here are a few tips to get you on your way.


The best way to prepare for the future is to know what is coming. Keep one eye on tech publications, reading as much as you can about the things that are currently in concept or development phase. If you are able to, try to visit various conferences and trade shows such as CES to see what kinds of things are out there. If you cannot make it to these, there is considerable coverage to be found online. If you know which things are coming up, you can know which you want to buy, and which to hold off on to wait for a better version.

Don’t Adopt New Tech Too Early

Which leads us to our next tip—be discerning about which tech items you take on early on. In the age of instant information and social media bragging, the idea of becoming an “early adopter” can seem very tempting. But sometimes it is not the best way to go. Many new technologies need awhile to iron out the kinks and problems, and if it is something that has little or no precedent, it will be likely to face at least a few of these. Furthermore, newer cheaper or more efficient versions are likely to start cropping up in the second wave, and with home automation, you are looking at a lot of money to replace something just a few months later. So while some things you can take the risk on, it is often worth waiting awhile before incorporating the very newest of the new home technology.

Start Saving

In order to fully take advantage of the latest home tech features, you are going to have to spend some money. For this reason, you will probably want to start saving right now. Things like theaters are expensive, but when you have a saving plan, you should be able to find something in your price range.

Make Home Preparations

You might also want to design your home interior with home automation in the back of your mind. Older houses are a lot trickier to fit home automation seamlessly into, and that is because newer home layouts are often designed with modern technology taken into consideration. If you are building your own home, it will be easy to incorporate technology, but even if you already have a home, there are ways to make sure that you can accommodate new home tech. Work with interior designers and architects to better figure it out.

Embrace it

The future is coming, and resisting it will not prevent it. Homes of the future are going to be more tech driven and user-friendly than they have ever been. Rather than fearing future home technology developments, embrace the greater ease and comfort that will come from them, and jump on it early—the future is ours for the taking!

David Glenn

David Glenn

David Glenn is a home improvement expert. He occasionally freelance writes about home maintenance and DIY home repair. He’s also knowledgeable about topics like how to improve social presence and building a reputation online.