All Guest Posts must comply with the following criteria:
- Guest Posts must be your own original work that has not been published on any other website, forum, chat or social media network.
- Plagiarism or copyright infringement is not permitted, and you represent that the entirety of your post (including but not limited to photos, images and logos) is your original content and you will indemnify us for any liability arising out of or related to your post.
- When quoting others, please make sure to properly cite your source.
- Posts will acknowledge your authorship, but will be the property of CRESTICO, INC..
- Once the post has been submitted to CRESTICO, INC. you may not publish it anywhere online, in part or in whole, including your own website or blog.
- If we use your guest post, you may promote it on your own website, Facebook, Twitter or other social media forums. Promoting does not mean you post the entire article on these forums. You may include a link to your guest post and a short sentence or two explaining what the article is about.
- Submissions should be kept between 200 – 800 words. Longer posts are allowed if it is necessary and relevant, but the final length of the article is decided by CRESTICO, INC.
- Affiliate links shall not be included in guest post submissions.
- CRESTICO, INC. reserves the right to add its own affiliate links where appropriate.
- Guest Post writers will receive writing credit as author of their post at the beginning of the article.
- Guest Post writers may submit a short bio statement (no more than 50 words) that may or may not be used at the beginning of the article.
- Guest Post writers may provide a photo that may or may not be used.
- CRESTICO, INC. reserves the right to edit Guest Posts where necessary.
- CRESTICO, INC. reserves the right to refuse publication of remove a Guest post without prior notice to the Guest Post writer.
- By providing a Guest Post to CRESTICO, INC., you agree that you are in no way becoming a part of the website or company, nor shall you hold yourself out to be a member of the CRESTICO, INC. website or company.