Most people spend their entire life working, but don’t finish their life rich. That doesn’t mean it is impossible, however, and millions of people manage to join the world’s millionaire list each year. For many, it is only after a lifetime of hard work, saving, smart investments, and job dedication. For others it happens in a stroke of good fortune, while they are still young enough to enjoy the benefits of their money.

Often the first thing people start thinking about when they come into large sums of money is their home. How are they going to build a luxury home that fulfills all their dreams and fantasies. Home building is a process and making the wrong decisions at the beginning can lead to regret and annoyance for years to come. Here are a few things to consider when building that very first luxury home.

Location, location, location

This cannot be stressed enough. The most important factor to consider is the location of the home. Do you care more about being close to family? Are you a hot or cold person? Do beaches matter, or are the mountains more inviting? Remember, this home will be customized to your tastes, so it won’t be as easy to sell as you would like to think. Choose the right location and enjoy years of no regrets.


Many people think that all they care about is having a big home, only to be disappointed when they are not happy in their extremely large home and don’t like the empty feeling that occasionally accompanies it. Figure out everything that the home should have, then choose a size that can accommodate the things you would like as well as the number of people you would like to host. For some, they don’t feel comfortable with more than 5-10 people in their home at once anyway, so why built a mansion?


Choose a consistent style throughout the home. Spend a significant amount of time doing research online, in home tours, and on Pinterest and find the style that can suit you for years to come.


The best part of a luxury home room is often the entertainment. Have you always wanted a home theater? A game room with ping pong and pool? Or an indoor hot tub and pool combo that comes with a waterslide? Maybe all three appeal to you. Spend some time deciding if you want each one, and do research so you know what you are getting into. Pools are great, but require maintenance. Theaters are fun, but you may not like yours, or others kids using it constantly.


The kitchen is one of the most important places in your new luxury home. You’ll be there multiple times each day and things need to be perfect. Think about where you want everything to go, how many people will be eating and cooking in the kitchen. If you plan on celebrating Thanksgiving with family in your new luxury home make sure the kitchen is built to accommodate. One of the most frustrating aspects of most kitchens is the lack of space. Make sure there are plenty of cupboards, nooks, and spaces for any appliance you may purchase in the long future.


The next most important thing is the bathroom. Bathrooms can be a place of comfort, despite what you may remember from previous low-budget houses. Think jacuzzis, soft rugs, multiple shower heads, and relaxation. Your bathroom can provide all of these.

It’s a great time in life if these are all options for you. You’ve likely had hard times in the past and have looked forward to this a large majority of your life. Enjoy every minute of it.


David Glenn

David Glenn

David Glenn is a home improvement expert. He occasionally freelance writes about home maintenance and DIY home repair. He’s also knowledgeable about topics like how to improve social presence and building a reputation online.