Most inspections don’t find major problems and very few inspections find zero flaws because sellers typically make major repairs prior to sale.
Did you know?
Roofing defects due to aging are one of the most frequently reported items on home inspections.
Even if you’ve found what seems to be the perfect home, you need to find a home inspector to cast a critical and experienced eye on every aspect of the property. Only then will you understand the true condition – and true value – of the property.
It doesn’t just apply to older homes. Even new construction homes can have flaws that need correction. A professional home inspection will provide peace of mind to you, and ensure that your home investment is a wise one.
To learn more, click on any of the articles on the menu on the left in this section of our site. To find a reputable Home Inspector in your area, please contact your Crestico Agent and he or she will help you get exactly what you need.