What is Involved in a Home Inspection?
An inspection should provide you an objective report of property’s current condition.
Home inspections include home exterior, home interiors, and all major systems.
Inspections let you know of any problems and areas that might need attention in the near future.
Did you know?
A typical inspection involves over 100 parts and systems.
When you pay a qualified home inspection professional to inspect your real estate purchase, you should expect an objective report on the current condition of the property – top to bottom, inside and out. You should also expect to learn about needed repairs and replacements that may be needed in the near future.
Typically, an American home inspection involves the review of more than 100 parts and systems. Exterior inspections include checking siding, trim, gutters, chimney, decks, garage, doors, and windows. Property foundation and framing systems are examined for cracks, sagging, and other structural defects.
Interior inspections include close examination of ceilings, floors, and walls of every room. The attic, insulation, basement and crawlspace will likely receive special attention. To help the inspector do his or her job, the home owner should ensure easy access to both attic and below-ground areas.
The entire electrical, plumbing, heating and air-conditioning systems are inspected for correct operation and excessive wear. Swimming pools are examined for cracks and leaks.
The inspector also looks for evidence of and damage by pests, termites, or the presence of toxic materials.
Once the inspection is complete, the Home Inspector will provide a report to all parties, usually on the spot. The report will cover the condition of all areas inspected, noting any major or minor defects, potential future issues and suggested repairs.
To learn more, explore the advice in this section of our site. You can also talk with a local Crestico agent to get professional and experienced advice about working with and finding good Home Inspectors.